Friday, August 31, 2012


Indy 120831

We were driving around Fernandina Beach and passed the Old Towne Carriage Company at 115 Beech Street. As we passed we noticed a large horse being groomed by a lady. Seeing a photo opportunity, we hopped out of the car.

Indy and Rita Jackson 120830

What we saw was probably the largest animal on Amelia Island, Indy, the Belgian Draft Horse. The groomer turned out to be Rita Jackson, owner of the company. She told us that Indy weighed in at about 1800 pounds. You can see from the photo that Indy is quite muscled. Rita mentioned that Belgians are well suited for carriage pulling and this particular horse was a champion puller from the Michigan State Fair. She had tried a Clydesdale previously and found it to be not strong enough for the job. There are a couple of write-ups (1, 2) in local media about the carriage company and Indy.

Rita showed us the three carriages she had. One is for regular touring around Fernandina Beach. The second is a white one for weddings. The third is stored in an office and is the 100+ year old carriage from the Carnegie's on Cumberland Island. On the inside wall of the building are five or six black and white photos of carriages.

I asked about other horses on Amelia and Rita said there were not many ... maybe 7 or 8. Indy is the biggest.

Rita told us that she didn't mind us taking photos. About that time two couples arrived for a ride before the late afternoon thundershower started. So, we said goodbye ...

Photos by RS


Views of Amelia Island 120831

Views of Amelia Island 120831

Photos by RS.

This ship was in the Fernandina Beach harbor in June.

Picture 01 - Ship In Fernandina Beach Harbor

 The paper mill from the dock near Brett's Waterway Cafe at night.

Rayonier Plant at Night 120831
 The lighthouse taken in January 2012.

Amelia Island Lighthouse 120831
The Palace Saloon, the oldest bar in Florida.

The Palace Saloon 120831

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Views of Amelia Island 120830

Views of Amelia Island 120830

Looking south from the patio of Sandy Bottoms. Photos by RS.

Stormy Weather 120829

Stormy Weather 2 120829

An armadillo at the lighthouse viewpoint at Fort Clinch State Park. This armadillo moved constantly and was hard to get in focus.

Armadillo 120830
The pier at Fort Clinch State Park.

Pier at Fort Clinch State Park 120830

Terns and gulls at Fort Clinch Beach.

Terns and gulls 120830


North America's Furthest West Atlantic Coast

North America's Furthest West Atlantic Coast 120830

A little recognized fact is that Amelia Island is further west than any other part of the Atlantic coastline of North America. Maybe you could say Cumberland Island just north of Amelia Island would get the prize. So, I will put a modifying adjective in there ... inhabited. Take a look at this Google map (copyright Google)

North America's Atlantic Coastline
See how the coastline right at the Florida-Georgia border is indented to the west. That's where Amelia Island is. Here is a closer map, also from Google.

Fernandina or Cumberland?

Okay, okay, Cumberland Island wins ... barely. BUT, no one lives there so with the "inhabited" added, Amelia takes the "-est" prize.

Want to go to the very spot and be further west than anyone in North America looking at the Atlantic Ocean? To do that we go back to Google maps and take a look at Amelia Island right at the curve. You can actually see the curve when you stand on the beach.

The Furthest West Point on the Coast
It's a little tough to eyeball exactly where the furthest west point is. Maybe a real map person or a surveyor can help us decide the specific spot. Until that happens I will go with my eyeball view which is right where Lewis Street goes to American Beach. You can drive to this spot by just following Lewis Street east until you hit the beach. You can sit in your car and see the Atlantic. On the Equinox days (September 21/22 and March 20/21) you will be the last person on the Atlantic coastline of North America to see the sun rise. Quite an honor I would say.

I think a marker should be placed at this spot and will contribute $100 to the person or group that makes this happen. There is in fact a marker already at this spot from a 1985 revetment project. I think a second marker here would fit.

Existing Plaque

Photos by RS

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Most Northern Beach in Florida

The Most Northern Beach in Florida 120829

Google maps provides a quick proof that Amelia Island is the most northern beach in Florida. I copied this from Google (copyright to Google) and put the map here for you to see.

Amelia Island - The Most Northern Beach in Florida
See on the right where it says Fernandina Beach ... that's us.

Here is another Google map of the northern part of Amelia Island.

Fort Clinch State Park is the Most Northern Beach in Florida
If you want to go to the most northern beach in Florida, go to Fort Clinch State Park (entrance about 1/4 mile from Main Beach) and follow the road to the pier. As you walk out on the pier there are steps down to the beach. Take the steps, then walk past the rocks and there you are ... the most northern beach in Florida.

- CR